Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall Fun!

I'm currently still recovering from the big night we had Thursday at the Sock Hop.  Typically the day ends for me at 4.  On a night like Thursday I'm on duty until 7:00 PM.  Man, that is exhausting!!  I'm not a talented dancer so I just sat back in my costume and watched the kids dance.  I worked the crowd and did provide some crowd control as the PV kids would pause their dancing to pet me or pose for a picture:)  The great new is that the PV teachers raised around $1000 to use to help PV kiddos and their families. Besides that we collected tons of snacks for PV kids.  Thank You PV families for your help!

I've got to rest up tonight to get ready for the parade tomorrow!  Check out my costume!  It is kind of humiliating to be dressed like a turtle--but I'll do it for the kids:)  Besides it goes right along with how Mrs. Neira and I teach kids the turtle strategy to calm themselves when angry.  Students learn to cross their arms across their chest and take deep breaths to calm down.

We also had the pumpkin carving contest last week.   Wow! There were some amazing enteries!   Mrs.  Neira and I decided to make a Felicia Flower pumpkin.  Felicia is a puppet we take to kindergarten to teach students about all of their different feelings.  You can change her face to go along with her feelings, so we are learning about non-verbal communication at the same time. We also begin to learn about I-messages when each Kindergarten picks a feeling face to tell us about.  They say  "I feel  ________ when I  ___________ .  In Kindergarten we focus on the feelings of: happy, sad, angry and scared.   Even the 4th graders remembered Felicia Flower when they saw our pumpkin.

Be on the look out for Mrs. Neira tomorrow at the parade.  She has been working very hard on a costume that all of you Bucket Fillers out there will love. I can't give you anymore clues right now but--- watch for pictures after the parade!!

Bye for Now!  Marley and Mrs. Neira

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